Hamburg –
City, country and everything in flow.
If you want to get to know Hamburg from its most beautiful side, the best way to approach the cool beauty of northern Germany is from the water: On the way to the famous Landungsbrücken (landing stages), entering on the Elbe, you will pass well-kept parks and villas on the port side, while on the starboard side, you will see church-tower-high cranes tower into the sky amidst a colorful world of containers, and huge factory and refrigerated warehouses that show Hamburg has come into its prosperity.
Hamburg is built close to the water. An ideal place for trade and internationality, which began tentatively in the ninth century. Water is probably the city's most striking feature: the Elbe, the Alster and dozens of canals and fleets that run through the city. No wonder Hamburg has more bridges than Venice.
Hamburg is developing like a long, calm river, not as explosive and noisy as elsewhere; the often quoted Hanseatic understatement is also characteristic of the city's development. One has a sense for capital - and for beauty! Nearly half of the top-selling companies in Germany are based in Hamburg - and with the Elbe Philharmonic Hall, Hamburg also has a world-class cultural landmark. It fits in with Hamburg, the city characterized by a proud maritime spirit and the flair of an international metropolis.
Mit an Bord in Hamburg ist auch die ARIKON. Die ARIKON Baugesellschaft Hamburg mbH ist im Nordwesten der Stadt beheimatet, genauer gesagt im Stadtteil Niendorf. Der nahe Flughafen ist übrigens der älteste Airport Deutschlands und darf sich durchaus als Pionier der deutschen Luftfahrt rühmen.
Range of services –
Would you like to know more about our range of services? Get in contact with us!
am Standort Hamburg erfahren? Nehmen Sie Kontakt mit uns auf!
Career –
Hamburg also has a future for you! All about the
You can find career and job offers here!
You can find more about careers and job offers here!
Your direct contact to our Hamburg locations:
Baugesellschaft Hamburg mbH
Willhoop 3
22453 Hamburg
Tel. 040/28 46 39-49
Fax 040/28 46 39-42
