Implement innovations, secure your lead!

Pro Projekt GmbH is based in Berlin and offers management services for the development and implementation of IT projects nationwide.

Decisions and reactions to changes must be made faster and faster. To meet these requirements, Pro Projekt GmbH offers its customers a combination of products and services tailored to meet their needs. ihren Kunden eine auf die jeweiligen Bedarfe abgestimmte Kombination aus Produkten und Dienstleistungen.

Pro Projekt GmbH has a network of national and international partners who can observe innovations, new technologies and new solutions on the market and implement them for our customers within the framework of a selected strategy.

Bundled competence!

As part of the ARIKON Group, we offer a comprehensive range of services in the field of "building", in addition to energy-efficient refurbishment and facade renovation. Ask us for solutions - we set all the energy in motion for you! die Digitization hinaus ein umfassendes Leistungsspektrum rund um das Thema „Bauen“. Fragen Sie uns nach Lösungen – wir setzen für Sie alle Energie in Bewegung!


Range of services –
More about the topic "Digitization" can be found here:
can be found here:

Want a career with ARIKON? Take a look!!
in Berlin? Bitte sehr!

PRO PROJEKT Gesellschaft für Projektentwicklung und Projektmanagement mbH


Berlin: t  030/38 39 76-48   e