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With the 2030 Agenda, the United Nations (UN) has formulated 17 goals that serve to ensure sustainable development at the economic, social and ecological levels (Environment, Social, Governance | ESG). All social actors - business, science, organized civil society, municipalities - are to make a contribution to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

ARIKON AG takes up this challenge and integrates a total of eight of the 17 UN goals into its corporate objectives as binding guidelines for entrepreneurial action within the scope of its responsibilities and possibilities for action.


Under the motto "Network of Competencies", the ARIKON Group unites several independent companies that offer their solutions individually or bundled. ARIKON AG occupies a central key position here. As a mainly nationally operating total company ARIKON's field of activity covers the design and construction of buildings and civil engineering structures of all kinds, including all related activities. The focus is on a service concept individually tailored to the needs of the customer, which ensures the smooth execution of even complex projects from planning to implementation.


Sustainability is an important topic, but at the same time also a great challenge. The ARIKON Group is dependent on the resources of our planet. We take space from nature and burden the environment with emissions. We therefore see it as our special duty to treat the environment with care and responsibility and to protect it.

Our entrepreneurial decisions are based on the idea of sustainability. We are convinced that long-term value creation can only exist in a sustainably designed and equitable context. In line with this, ARIKON AG has developed a catalog of criteria with targets and measures in this first ESG report, which is based on the guidelines of good corporate governance as well as social and ecological responsibility, without losing sight of the economic perspective.


Sustainable value creation

Acting in a climate-friendly manner

Holistic health care

Equal opportunities and promotion of education

Geschlechtergleichstellung und Befähigung zur Selbstbestimmung

Sustainable growth, full and productive employment, decent work

Promotion of participations and partnership networks for sustainable developments

Widerstandsfähige Infrastruktur, nachhaltige Industrialisierung und zukunftsweisende Innovationen


To secure the future viability of our successfully growing group of companies, we pay equal attention to changing market requirements, social demands and important ecological trends. Supported by this self-image, we will develop a far-reaching vision from all areas of our group of companies and with the active involvement of our stakeholders, in which aspects such as sustainability, social justice and ethical-moral responsibility are important pillars of ARIKON's corporate goals.

In the following initial report, we have committed ourselves to measures that will serve the goal of "sustainability" in the long term. We will carry the integration of ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) aspects as a corporate goal into all areas and integrate them into the daily work of our employees.
This first ESG report serves to take stock of the situation and to align us to future goals. We will review and further develop the measures annually - also with the involvement of external expertise - in order to adapt our standards to the dynamic requirements.

"Dealing responsibly with the issues of environmental, social and corporate governance is an important task of a company's management and is a decisive factor in its business success. As a member of the Management Board of ARIKON AG, I am convinced of this."

Dirk Rommel, Chief Executive Officer ARIKON AG


Our competencies enable us to manage risks properly, anticipate regulatory measures or develop new markets more quickly, while contributing to the sustainable development of our companies and society as a whole. In addition, these issues have a strong impact on the reputation of our brand, which is a significant part of the company's value.

As the ARIKON Group, we want to offer our stakeholders added value that is not only based on financial figures, but also transparently documents the meaningfulness and responsibility of entrepreneurial action. Future generations rightly expect this from us and it is part of our motivation.


Our entrepreneurial activities are based on the idea of sustainable value creation. This aspect of "sustainability" will shape the guiding principle of our corporate philosophy even more strongly in the future.

We want to align our entire range of services to sustainable value creation - from purchasing to the complete value chain.



Sustainability as an indicator in the selection of subcontractors and suppliers

ARIKON AG will successively sensitize partners and suppliers to the topic of sustainability through dialog. We will agree with each of our subcontractors or suppliers on a policy of guidelines (e.g. regarding waste treatment) that is adapted to the company and economically justifiable but consistent. When awarding contracts in the future, sustainability indicators will be included in the evaluation of subcontractors and suppliers. Preference will be given to partners who, together with ARIKON AG and its customers, pursue sustainable value creation. Regular monitoring will check whether there are any gaps in action.


We recognize that as a company in the construction industry, we have a significant influence on greenhouse gas emissions. From this, we derive a special responsibility for our company.

We will take immediate action to combat climate change and its effects in all our corporate activities and responsibilities.


Together with our companies, we are already developing solutions and projects to counteract climate change. The following measures and projects have already been implemented or are in the planning stage:


Energy refurbishment and renovation of existing buildings

Ältere Gebäude weisen oft einen erheblich erhöhten Energieverbrauch auf. Daraus resultiert ein vermehrter Heizwärmebedarf, der häufig auf ineffiziente Weise mit überalterter Technik gedeckt werden muss. Doch der Erhalt und die Erweiterung bestehender Gebäude bieten großes Potenzial bei der Einsparung von „grauem“ CO2. Häufig werden bei Aufstockungen von Gebäuden Holzbauelemente eingesetzt, die eine ausgezeichnete Klimabilanz haben. Die Reduzierung von Heizkosten und CO₂-Belastungen sind daher Themen, die besonders in der Gebäudebewirtschaftung von bestehenden Gebäuden an Bedeutung gewinnen.

Long-term partnerships with innovative companies whose business model or product actively counteracts the effects of climate change

As one of the main service providers in the construction of the Tesla Gigafactory in Brandenburg, ARIKON AG is also facing up to its responsibility in this regard. Even in the first stage of expansion of the company's first European production site, sustainability and environmental compatibility were taken into account when clearing the 90-hectare pine plantation: 400 nesting sites were created outside the forest to be cleared, existing ant hills were relocated by specialists, and reptiles were relocated. The tree cuttings were used as valuable biomass for energy generation in a combined heat and power plant, and the cleared forest area is being replaced threefold by planting elsewhere. With this project, we were able to implement an exemplary circular economy that perfectly illustrates the responsible use of natural resources.

Cooperations with ESG-compliant companies

Our data center partner also cooperates exclusively with ESG-compliant companies such as HP, Dell & IBM and uses certified green electricity to operate its servers - as will ARIKON AG from 2022.

Virtualization of our servers

As we continue to virtualize our servers, we need less and less hardware and thus contribute to sustainability by reducing electronic waste and eliminating the need to purchase new equipment. The more efficient utilization of the servers also reduces electricity costs.

Expansion of the e-vehicle fleet

ARIKON AG's fleet of 101 cars and 51 commercial vehicles, 30% of which are already electric, plug-in or full hybrid vehicles, will in future also consist of at least 50% cars with alternative drive systems. Charging stations at the various company locations will complement the measure.

Digital transformation

With increasing digitization, savings are also being made in the following areas:
- fewer trips due to video conferencing
- reduced paper consumption through conversion to electronic archiving systems
- changeover from fixed PC workstations to mobile workstations

Holistic health care

Social commitment is an integral part of our corporate philosophy. Because a strong community lives from the integration and support of all!

We are aware of our social responsibility to care for the health of our employees. We want to provide all employees with the conditions for a healthy life. In addition, we will continue to actively support socially disadvantaged groups in society.


In particular, the physical stresses that are sometimes unavoidable in the construction industry must be kept to a minimum, both organizationally and technically, in order to ensure that employees remain healthy even at an advanced age.

Reduction of work accidents

The company physician was able to demonstrate a decreasing number of absences from work due to occupational accidents in the amount of 20 in 2020 and 14 in 2021. We not only want to follow this positive trend in the future, but also to reduce absences from work due to accidents in the long term and to prevent serious accidents at work as far as possible. Any absences due to accidents at work are already being analyzed in quarterly meetings with the management and countermeasures are being developed. In the future, we will also place greater emphasis on prevention.

Planning of a preventive catalog

To build up a preventive catalog of health measures for its employees, ARIKON AG is planning partnerships with social insurance agencies. To this end, initial evaluative measures are planned for 2022.

Social commitment beyond the company itself

As a project close to its heart, ARIKON AG has been supporting the NORA children's hospice service of the Johanniter in Brandenburg for some time. NORA offers assistance, support and advice to families of seriously ill children, whose life is often limited due to their personal diagnosis. Affected families are relieved and can devote valuable time and energy to the affected child and its needs.

Promotion and equal opportunities in education 

Education has traditionally been of outstanding importance to the ARIKON Group. In 2021, we have greatly expanded the number of our apprenticeships and internships as well as our cooperation with various universities.

We want to provide our employees with the opportunity for inclusive, equal and high-quality education and lifelong learning with a continuous range of further training opportunities, and to support young people by offering future-proof apprenticeships.


Expansion of training offers

Due to the pandemic, we were only able to continue our training activities in part last year. This makes training planning in the coming months all the more important. Through a certified QM system, we want to ensure an appropriate training quota of at least 15% in 2022. This is already anchored in the QM manual - as is the topic of ESG, which is to be a fixed component of training planning.

Using digitization as an educational opportunity

What we have learned from the pandemic is that digitalization is also of great importance here, and that further training must also be implemented without the need to be present in person.

intercultural educational opportunities

In our planning for further training measures, we will take into account the fact that our employees come from 14 different nations. We will therefore devote ourselves to the topic of linguistic integration and generally orient our training measures interculturally.


The construction industry has traditionally been strongly dominated by men. We see ourselves as having a special responsibility to counteract this imbalance in gender equality with targeted support for women in the ARIKON Group. Precisely because of the great importance of the construction industry within society, this industry must not be dominated one-sidedly by men.

We want to achieve gender equality in our company and empower all women and girls in our company.


Increase in the quota of women

In the construction industry, the balancing act between family and career is particularly noticeable due to a low quota of women. At ARIKON AG, too, the quota of women in the total workforce, at 13.5%, is significantly lower than in other industries. This is due not only to the partly technical orientation, but also to the tight project-based way of working, which often makes it difficult for female career candidates to reconcile family and everyday working life.

Strengthening confidence in the abilities of female employees

An important factor here is to strengthen confidence in the abilities of female employees. ARIKON AG is already creating opportunities for female employees to work on their own successes by successfully assigning them important projects.

Creation of a women's network

To improve the structural conditions, ARIKON AG will create an internal women's network, which will simplify career entry for new female employees with a mentoring program and ensure in the long term that the internal quota of women is 25% of the workforce by 2025. To achieve this goal, we are starting with training as a first step and will increase our involvement in this segment: for example, at Girls Day at the Ruhr University in Bochum. This nationwide event aims to inspire schoolgirls with workshops and informative events about careers and fields of study in the natural sciences and technology.


Our employees are our most important asset. Their identification with the ARIKON Group, their conviction of the meaningfulness of their actions and their motivation to live shared values and achieve goals every day are the basis of our success.

We believe that inspired, engaged and confident employees who are passionate about ARIKON add value to the full spectrum of our stakeholders.

We want to promote lasting, broad-based and sustainable economic growth, productive full employment and decent work for all. We also want to focus on good working conditions among our subcontractors.


Our binding Code of Values, which expresses our corporate principles and values, provides consistent orientation and is the basis for all acting stakeholders. Diversity, integration and equality, fair pay, appreciation and respectful interaction across all hierarchies, investment in employee qualifications, training and development, the creation of further training opportunities and promotion prospects, and the promotion of personal responsibility are elementary pillars of our entrepreneurial thinking and actions.

Decent work as criteria in the selection of subcontractors and suppliers

In addition to ecological standards, we have a social requirement for the entrepreneurial activities of our subcontractors and suppliers. In addition to the technical factors of the evaluation of our subcontractors and suppliers, other factors will play an important role in the future: healthy working conditions, fair payment and access to social benefits. In the future, we will push ahead with the development of a company-internal evaluation system in which these factors will be included and will play an important role. We will take into account factors such as minimum wages, safety, social benefits or supply chains. These will have an influence on the selection of subcontractors and suppliers on the basis of a scoring system and will be reassessed in an annual internal review. We then enter into an exchange with the companies concerned in order to again highlight the relevance of the issue in a personal discussion and to identify possible consequences. If it emerges that no common denominator can be found in the long term, this will mean that we will not commission certain subcontractors or suppliers with new projects in the future.

Promotion of participations and partnership networks

Participations and partnerships are part of our growth strategy and one of the success factors of ARIKON AG! We are convinced that within the construction industry with its strong division of labor, long-term partnerships within our company with clients and subcontractors promise a higher growth potential than "silo thinking" and optimization of individual interests. 

The guiding principle of our company will continue to be partnership. We want to breathe new life into the global partnership for sustainable development.


Networks and partnership

The network concept is clearly anchored in our business model. As a "network of competencies", ARIKON AG focuses per se on a partnership-based approach. And not only within our own corporate complex, but also with customers, subcontractors and suppliers.

Corporate investments as a growth strategy

As a profitable company, ARIKON AG also acts as an active investor - equity investments are a theme of the growth strategy.

Ideally, these companies complement our portfolio in the area of solutions for small and medium-sized enterprises. The business area does not play a decisive role here. The creation of value along our core activities of infrastructure, real estate, engineering and digitalization is central.

Supporting succession plans for family businesses

We assume entrepreneurial responsibility and help with the further development of individual success factors. Also in the case of succession planning for family businesses, we offer a life's work created with heart and soul the opportunity to develop further under the strong umbrella of the ARIKON Group and thus also to live on.

Expansion of digital networks

Another focus of ARIKON AG is on stronger networking with our subcontractors and suppliers. In the course of the digital transformation, we are creating new networks with a variety of measures, e.g., we already offer our companies a technological basis for the direct exchange of project information with project participants as part of their construction activities. With the BIM methodology, we are pursuing a planning approach based on the creation of networked building information and uniform data exchange formats.

Bei den Netzwerktreffen mit Lieferanten und Nachunternehmern möchten wir die Bedürfnisse und Anforderungen unserer Partner noch besser erkennen und verstehen, um unser „Netzwerk der Kompetenzen“ für unsere Kunden stetig weiterzuentwickeln.

Resilient infrastructure, sustainable industrialization and forward-looking innovations.

Innovations are one of the sources of our growth!

We want to strengthen resilient infrastructure and sustainable industrialization and firmly establish forward-looking innovations from our company in our portfolio.


Promotion/application of future-oriented technologies

As part of its activities as a strategic investor, ARIKON AG has founded a new company, AriInfoWare GmbH, which has developed software for knowledge-based information and object management. This software allows the presentation of structural, spatial, digital documentation of cultural assets, historical buildings, archaeological sites as well as existing buildings and urban areas. Any individual building, but also complete properties or areas can be represented in the form of 2D plans or 3D models. The data is stored in open formats. All aspects of data processing are considered under the criteria of openBIM.

Due to its university founding history, the company participates as a project partner for digitization and research projects in the field of openBIM, point clouds, GIS and HBIM. The goal is to enable economic, effective and sustainable management of data in terms of information acquisition over the entire life cycle of real estate.

Development of innovative processes in construction

We are entrepreneurially engaged in the development of new innovative processes in the construction industry.

Preparation of application in the ZIM network openBIMBiotop
- BIM-supported factory planning in VR. MonArch as openCDE platform with connection to feature server. Consolidated data exchange with validation of BIM data to increase data quality.
- BIM; openCDE; feature server (property sets and classifications)

Preparation request for point clouds
- Punk clouds as an alternative to constructed BIM models for as-built recording. Cost-effective recording of the as-built status with continuous post-capture. Point clouds as digital twin for monitoring and documentation.
- Punk clouds; monitoring; documentation; as-is status.

Construction Project Archive Module
- Merging of different construction projects into one construction archive. Opens up the possibility of cross-project registration and making the construction file usable.
- Merge order structures

GIS module
- Merge available GIS data with existing building data. Validation of GIS data and evaluation of data quality.
– GIS; GEOServer

Idea provider and partner for research projects

AirInfoWare GmbH, as part of ARIKON AG, is additionally active here as a provider of ideas and project partner within the framework of research projects.

Cooperations with energy technology companies

In cooperation with the renowned energy technology company Doosan Lentjes, we have agreed an exclusive strategic alliance for sewage sludge incineration projects. This partnership enables us to offer high-quality solutions along the entire EPC value chain. Doosan Lentjes has extensive experience in sewage sludge incineration projects with more than 25 successfully delivered incineration plants in Germany and abroad.

The company draws on its OEM expertise in monoincineration and offers advanced sewage sludge incineration concepts based on proven stationary fluidized bed technology. The focus is always on the most efficient and environmentally friendly solutions across the entire process chain. This includes dewatering and drying, incineration, heat recovery and energy generation, flue gas cleaning, and ash removal. Doosan Lentjes' products and services are certified according to TÜV ISO 9001. This ensures full compliance with all required quality standards.

Development of innovative processes in healthcare

We are entrepreneurially engaged in the development of new innovative processes in the healthcare sector. The focus is on the processing of medical data for better information retrieval. For this purpose, Synaptor Medical GmbH was founded 2 years ago with the aim of establishing innovative medium-sized healthcare solutions in the market. Together with the current partners Bucher Systemlösungen, Biovariance and decidemedical, three products are currently offered:

1. synaptor PreScreening und synaptor Studienmanager
Clinical trials, research data management.
The synaptor PreScreening Suite implements a solution that can be used to initiate decentralized data queries in medical practices via a central study center. With the Study Manager, study data can be collected and processed in compliance with data protection regulations.

2. synaptor BioCore Studio
Clinical trials, digital image collection, management and processing, cloud computing.
synaptor BioCore Studio is a web application for the creation, automation and parallelization of so-called pipelines to process data of any kind. Thus, modules for data processing, modeling, analysis or visualization can be created and executed quickly and easily.

3. OncoVariant
Personalisierte Medizin, Wissensmanagement und Wissenstransfer.
OncoVariant supports physicians in interpreting the genetic alterations of their cancer patients. A manual search for suitable drugs, especially for off-label drugs, is very laborious and time-consuming. The newly developed platform OncoVariant supports and simplifies this search by automatically matching gene variants of the patient with a variety of public databases and checking individual treatment options for the patient. The results are summarized in a report that includes information on gene variants, clinical trials, other evidence, and drugs and their interactions.

Idea provider and partner for research projects

Pro Projekt GmbH, as part of ARIKON AG, is additionally active here as a provider of ideas and project partner within the framework of research projects.

A current project funded by the Innovation Fund is EsmAil. This involves the evaluation of a structured and guideline-based multimodal care concept for people suffering from acne inversa. The task of Pro Projekt GmbH was to design a technical, data protection-compliant infrastructure for the distributed collection and processing of study data based on the synaptor medical collaboration platform (smcp).

Die ARIKON AG versteht ihr soziales und unternehmerisches Handeln in diesen Tätigkeitsfeldern als wichtiges Engagement im Sinne ihrer gesamtgesellschaftlichen Verantwortung zur Verbesserung der Gesundheitsvorsorge, um schwere Erkrankungen und deren Konsequenzen für die Betroffenen und deren Angehörige in Zukunft zu reduzieren.


This first sustainability report of ARIKON AG lays the foundation for future reporting on our understanding of sustainable business. Employees across locations and hierarchies have helped us to compile the information from all parts of our company. For this we say thank you. 

We are aware that there are gaps in one place or another. These will have to be filled in the future. But we are also proud of the path our company has taken and on which it has already achieved numerous milestones.

Falk Huneke


t  030/38 39 76-48    e falk.huneke@arikon.de